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Home Groups

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What are they?

Between five and ten people get together in a home, mostly fortnightly in an evening, to enjoy one another’s company, share concerns, learn, and pray. They take place in homes of church people all over Perth.

What is discussed?

The Home Groups follow a programme leading us to a better understanding of the message of the Bible for living in the 21st Century. Sometimes we use a course with DVD and questions on the topic, other times we use a book or study guide. Each Home Group has a leader who organises the study topic for everyone.


Is there a structure?

All groups meet on a regular day/time for approximately 90 minutes. The core parts are the study, prayer, and a chat over refreshments. The order, and amount of time dedicated to each part, varies with the group.


Why should I join one?

It is our aim that everyone who comes into the church is known, loved, and supported. In the comfortable setting of a home we can ask our questions, about faith or anything else. Often others turn out to have similar questions themselves. Home Groups are an opportunity to both give and receive support. We get to know interesting people whose paths we might not have crossed. Whether you have been in the church for one week or for decades, joining a Home Group will deepen your friendships in the church.

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